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Instructor: Mary Moquin
Day: Tuesdays (6 weeks) Class begins Tuesday, September 17th.|
Time: 1pm – 4pm
Cost: Members $140 | Non-Members $160

This structured class is designed to help hone your drawing and color accuracy. Painting from observation is a valuable discipline for all levels but especially important for those just starting out or those that may have skipped a few basics on their quest for self-expression! Winter is a great time to polish up those observational skills! We will be working from life, as that is really the only way to learn to see shapes and colors with clarity. Each student will be creating their own mini portable still life setup to work from during class. These will be constructed on the first day and may be taken home (to continue painting!) or stored at CCAC between classes.

An empty cardboard box about the size of a case of wine
An xacto knife or box cutter (there are some available at CCAC if you don’t have)
A small flashlight
Oil or Acrylic paints:

I like to encourage a limited expanded primary palette, there are so many different names so I have put example names in parentheses. A nice middle of the road yellow (any yellow will do), a warm orangey red (cadmium red light, Scarlett, vermillion, Naphtal red light) and a cooler more purple red (Magenta, Alizaron Crimson), definitely Ultramarine Blue (it’s the most versatile) and if you want, phthalo blue, and plenty of white. These are enough to begin with but feel free to bring along whatever you want as we will be discussing color and paint properties too.

Brushes (a variety of round and flat, soft and stiff, bristle and synthetic) I will have some additional ones at class to experiment with.

Palette knife for mixing paint
Paper towels
A pad of canvas paper 9×12 or there abouts (I will bring backing boards to tape to)
Masking tape

Any questions? Please feel free to email me at moquin.art@gmail.com or call or text me at (774) 313-0080