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This class meets in the Great Hall in the main building.

Students may work in any medium of their choice.
Suggested materials for beginners:
1 18″x24″ Newsprint pad,1 18″x24″ drawing pad, soft charcoal (alpha-color Char-Kole,12 pack, compressed, not pastel, is recommended), ebony pencil, and an eraser If you are painting we ask that you please bring and take home your solvent or water.
There are several easels here at the center. Participants may want to come early to set up and assure a good spot. If you would like to bring your own paint box easel to feel free to do so. What to expect of this class: We often use nude models. Sometimes models are draped and other times we may use a clothed model in an interior. Artists will have the opportunity to paint or draw the model in various settings, lighting, and with different props.
Class Fee: $25
For more information, click here.