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Class Date & Time: January 12 – February 9, 6-8PM
Class Fee: $145 Members/ $160 Non-Members
For more information, click here.

The class is for anyone (beginner or experienced) who wants to learn to make better photographs with your digital camera. We will cover the essentials of good photography, including your camera’s controls, the principles of good composition and how and why to stop using automatic (and when to use it) and how to use shutter speed and aperture to craft your pictures. We’ll cover different types of photography, including landscape, nature, family, travel and more. In addition, we will cover the basics of how to edit your pictures on your computer. Plan to take lots of pictures. Classes will include weekly photo assignments and helpful review sessions.

The class will be conducted once a week live online via Zoom. You will be sent instructions on how to easily login before class begins. We will have one outdoor group photo shoot. Masks will be required and you will travel in your own car.